Just when I think I can’t bear to sea another stud, zipper, or spike without letting loose with a blood-curdling scream, along comes fashion week & Alejandro Ingelmo to remind me that it’s not the fault of the studs and spikes per se. but rather about the art and balance of the shoe as a whole (or unfortunate lack thereof) from a given designer or manufacturerChristian louboutin pumps. Thankfully, not all designers subscribe to the ‘more is better’ school of thought. Enter Alejandro Ingelmo’s spiked shoes for Cushnie et Ochs. Backstage at Cushnie et Ochs, Photo via NYMag.com; Full slide show is available here .   This is one of those examples of Runway showing it’s primal nature as theatreChristian Louboutin Black Leather Lace Up Ankle Boots. These shoes are both subtle and intimidating. From the front, the spikes are barely noticeable; but in a side-silhouette, they become quite fierce and attention-drawing.  There is art here. At a minimum, these are unabashed statement shoesChristian Louboutin Black Orniron Ankle Boot. Yet I also see them as also needing to be viewed under glass, on a pedestal, as pure art objects outside of their basic fashion function.